
  • 2015-11-13




用多語言和全世界做朋友  Multilingual Friends around the World

講者(  Speaker ): 謝智翔 Terry Hsish

日期(  Date ): 1120日  November 20th

時間(  Time ): 10:00~12:00

地點(  Venue ): M009




他開始了10年的「語言旅行」,從亞馬遜的熱帶雨林習得了克丘亞語,也從坦尚尼亞學會了史瓦希利語。他同時也是2015 TED X TKU(TED Talks 與淡江大學合辦場次)的講者,天下雜誌稱他「語言神人」!

He knows 25 languages and he is a proficient speaker of 7 languages.

Like many Taiwanese, he learnt English in high school and started to learn other languages in his twenties. Because of his curiosity, he wants to learn more.

He started his 10-year “language journey” and acquired Quechua in the Amazon rain forest. He also acquired Kiswahili in United Republic of Tanzania. He is also a speaker in TEDXTKU in 2015.

Common Wealth magazine calls him “Multilingual Guru”!