Asia University Celebrates Her 16th Founding Anniversary.

  • 2017-05-08

The 16th AU anniversary celebration ceremony took place in the AU International Convention Center. AU President Tsai encouraged the faculty and staff to keep fostering the excellence of the school.

Asia University (AU) held a 15th anniversary celebration ceremony on March 19. In addition to the ceremony, another celebration activity is a paintball competition at the Center for International Conference in front of the central campus lawn. In the ceremony, AU President Jing-Pha Tsai encouraged the faculty and staff to keep fostering the excellence of the school. Also, an honorable guest, a Director of the China Medical University (CMU) Board of Directors, Dr. Chung-Yi Hsu, said that AU is not only a very dynamic and creative university, but also a fast-growing international school.” CMU Director Hsu, said.

Held by President Tsai, the 16th AU anniversary celebration ceremony took place in the AU International Convention Center. The anniversary theme of this year is “Excellence and Internationalization.” The guests include AU Director Wen-Xuan Zheng, CMU Director Chung-Yi Hsu, CMU Vice President Kun-Shan Chao, President Tien-Te Tsai of National Siluo Agricultural Industrial High School, President Yi-Hui Lin of Taichung Home Economics and Commercial High School, President Chun-Chien Cheng of Yuan-Li Senior High School of the Miaoli County, Chief Secretary Chiu-Keng Lai of National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Department Director Chin-Han Li of Wu-Yu Senior High School, Department Director Kuan-Chiun Li of National Da-Hu Agricultural & Industrial Vocational High School, and Department Director of Chih-Wang Hsu of Lu Kang Senior High School. The ceremony opened with a greeting singing performance by AU students from the Social Work Dept. of AU.

As pointed out by President Tsai, heading to the 16th year of school establishment, AU has been evaluated one of the teaching-excellence universities by the Ministry of Education (MOE) for 12 straight years. Also, the famous UK Times Higher Education (THE) World Ranking Report reveals a list of 100 top universities in Asia every year; and, as mentioned as well by President Tsai, AU has been ranked by the THE to be in this list in the recent three years. Furthermore, AU has also be ranked by the THE in four other lists of differently-evaluated top-100 universities in the world (like the top-100 young universities in the world), becoming a university with “five top-100 honors.” “The efforts and the progress made by AU are remarkable,” said President Tsai, “and the university campus is on a convenient location, with beautiful scenery and rich cultural atmosphere, which are ideal for students and professors to study and teach, respectively.”

The ceremony opened with a greeting singing performance by AU students from the Social Work Dept. at AU.

In addition, AU students from the Visual Communication Dept. and others has won nearly 100 famous international design awards in recent five years. As evaluated by the famous Cheers Magazine, AU is ranked for the 2nd time within the first five in the list of top 20 best school-running universities in Taiwan. “The watermelon field seen around 16 years ago has changed into an international university, which is AU,” emphasized President Tsai while recalling the school history in the ceremony.

“AU is not only a very dynamic and creative university, but also a fast-growing international school,” said CMU Director Hsu in the ceremony. Also, AU President Tsai presented an appreciation certificate to the chairman of Jhong-Siang Building Service Company, Ho-Chou Lin, for their generous donations to the university. Finally, President Tsai and some invited honorable guests granted awards of teaching and research excellences to outstanding faculty and staff members selected this year for their good records of works on the campus.

For this anniversary, there are many other activities, include a 3rd-year International Student Carnival, a 6th-year Paintball Competition, a Ball Ball Roll activity and a 17PLAY singing concert. It’s really a lively and noisy anniversary with great fun!

CMU Director Chung-Yi Hsu hopes AU will be ranked to be within the top 100 universities in the world.

President Tsai granted awards to outstanding teaching and staff members in the anniversary celebration ceremony.

President Tsai award outstanding of teacher to prizewinner.

 AU Director Wen-Xuan Zheng award outstanding of faculty and staff to prizewinner.