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Education Objectives
Educational Philosophy
Department of nursing upholds the Asia University’s motto of “health, care, innovation and excellence,” with an emphasis on producing competent nursing professionals.
Educational goals
The Educational goal of Department of Nursing is to foster outstanding nursing professionals with healthy body and mind, humanities, innovation and superior nursing knowledge and skills.
After this 4-year bachelor program, we hope that graduates will have:
1. Empirical knowledge and skills of nursing science
2. Teamwork capability
3. Accountability capability
4. Ethics capability
5. Humanistic Care and Arts capability
6. Critical thinking and problem-solving capability
7. Self-growth capability
8. Innovation capability
Department of nursing upholds the Asia University’s motto of “health, care, innovation and excellence,” with an emphasis on producing competent nursing professionals.
Educational goals
The Educational goal of Department of Nursing is to foster outstanding nursing professionals with healthy body and mind, humanities, innovation and superior nursing knowledge and skills.
After this 4-year bachelor program, we hope that graduates will have:
1. Empirical knowledge and skills of nursing science
2. Teamwork capability
3. Accountability capability
4. Ethics capability
5. Humanistic Care and Arts capability
6. Critical thinking and problem-solving capability
7. Self-growth capability
8. Innovation capability