Name | Nai-huan Hsiung |
Job title | Assistant Professor |
Extension | 1881 |
Education | Ph.D., School of Health In Social Science, University of Edinburgh, UK |
Experience | Assistant Professor, Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology Editor, Gexin Publications Skills category nurse aide classes certified technician, Executive Yuan Research assistant, National Taiwan University RN in Neurological nursing Chi Mei Medical Center RN in Neurosurgical nursing, Taipei Medical University Hospital |
Expertise | Fundamental Nursing, Adult Nursing, Evidence Based Nursing, Pain management, Scale calibration study, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Mixed Method Study T-Portfolio |
- Creative Design
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 王瓊華(Qiong-Hua Wang)、胡亞平(Ya-Ping Hu)、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, AI時代自主健康管理之實踐, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.13 no.2 pp.95-110, 2024 |
2024 | Shang-Yi Lee、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、Kenneth B. Chapman、Yu-Kai Cheng、Chieh-Liang Huang、Kuen-Bao Chen、Chi-Heng Chang、Yeong-Ray Wen(Yeong-Ray Wen)*, A pilot study of novel ultrahigh-frequency dorsal root ganglia stimulation for chronic lower limb pain: Focusing on safety and feasibility, Pain Practice, 2024 |
2023 | 蔣如富、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、李青穎、王瑾儀、楊蕙心、余秋蘭、胡丁若、李慧琦(Hui-Chi Li)*, 探討高頻胸壁振盪治療改善呼吸系統疾病病患之成效:系統性文獻回顧, 澄清醫護管理雜誌, vol.19 no.4 pp.54-62, 2023 |
2023 | 黃詩尹(Shihi-Yin Huang)、童秋霞(Chiou-Shya Torng)、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 後疫情現場演唱會再訪意願之調查, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol.11 no.1 pp.187-203, 2023 |
2023 | 董睿婕(Jui-Chieh Tung)、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、童秋霞(Chiou-Shya Torng)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 疫情後郵輪旅遊的愛與愁, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol.11 no.1 pp.236-250, 2023 |
2023 | 謝博揚(Po-Yang Hsieh)、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 疫情焦慮恐慌購物行為面面觀, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol.11 no.1 pp.22-36, 2023 |
2022 | 施景崴(Jingwei Shih)、郭珺羽(Chunyu Kuo)、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung), 探究不同的教學語言及訓練教學方案對外籍照顧服務員口腔照 護學習成效之影響, 教育科學研究期刊/Journal of Research in Education Sciences, vol.67 no.1 pp.63-93, 2022 |
2022 | 熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 臺灣青年 COVID 19 期間電子煙使用易感之調查與防制, 管理實務與理論研究, vol.16 no.1 pp.13-29, 2022 |
2021 | H. N. Cheung(H. N. Cheung)*、Y. S. Chan、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung), Validation of the 5-D itch scale in three ethnic groups and exploring optimal cut-off values using the Itch Numerical Rating Scale, Biomed Research International, vol.2021, 2021 |
2020 | Han-Hua Yu、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、Jen-Huai Chiang、Hsuan Shu Shen,(Hsuan Shu Shen,)*, The Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Chinese Herbal Products and Conventional Medicine in Parallel: A Population-Based Cohort Study, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol.2020 no.20 pp.100-, 2020 |
2020 | Hsuan Shu Shen、Jen-Huai Chiang、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)*, Adjunctive Chinese Herbal Products Therapy Reduces the Risk of ischemic Stroke among Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis., Frontiers in Pharmacology, vol.11, 2020 |
2020 | Chiao-Ling Lin、黃秀梨(Hwang, Shiow-Li)、Ping Jiang、熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung)*, Effect of Music Therapy on Pain after Orthopedic Surgery -A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis, Pain Practice, vol.20 no.4 pp.422-436, 2020 |
2016 | 熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung)*、Yen Yang、Ming-Shinn Lee、Koustuv Dalal、Graeme D Smith, Translation, adaptation, and validation of the behavioral pain scale and the critical-care pain observational tools in Taiwan, Journal of Pain Research, vol.15 no.9 pp.661-669, 2016 |
Date of Publication | Paper Title |
2024.07 | 王筱雯、熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung), Effects of Acupressure at the Sanyinjiao point on University Students with Primary Dysmenorrhea , 35th International Nursing Research Congress, Jul. 2024, Singapore |
2020.04 | 熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung), The efficacy of acupressure for decreasing the need for care in people with dementia: a pilot study , 23rd World Nursing Education Conference, Apr. 2020, Japan |
2018.09 | 熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung), Validation of the Behavioural Parameters Pain Scales for pain assessment in nonverbal, adults with intensive care - The 17th World Congress on Pain, Sep. 2018, Boston, USA |
2016.09 | 熊乃歡(Naihuan Hsiung), Validation of physiological parameters for pain assessment in nonverbal, adults with intensive care - 2016 World Congress on Pain, Sep. 2016, Yokohama, Japan |
2013.06 | 熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung), A pilot randomized trial of parent participation in child immunization pain reduction , 9th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Jun. 2013, Stockholm, Sweden |
2013.04 | 熊乃歡(Lainey Hsiung), Nurses ‘Views About Assessing Pain in Nonverbal Patients by Using Behaviours Parametric Pain Scales in the Intensive Care , The British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Apr. 2013, Bournemouth, England |
Project Title | Participator | Period |
探討靜坐對大學生睡眠品質的影響-以中部某大學生為例 (112-2813-C-468-110-B) | 熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung) | 2023.07 ~ 2024.02 |
大學生疼痛健康識能之調查研究 (112-2813-C-468-111-B) | 熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung) | 2023.07 ~ 2024.02 |
探討三陰交穴位按壓對女大生經痛生理不適的影響 (111-2813-C-468-112-B) | 熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung) | 2022.07 ~ 2023.02 |
探究印尼籍臺灣婦女對特殊文化「坐月子」的看法與態度 (110-2813-C-468-023-B) | 熊乃歡(Nai-Huan Hsiung)、李宛穎 | 2021.08 ~ 2022.02 |
Award Name |
Portable Indwelling Urinary Catheters |
Category | Course Code | Course Title | Year |
研究所碩士班 | TK200032A | 統計套裝軟體之應用 | 113 |
大學日間部 | TK300084A | 國際照護模擬實作 | 113 |
碩士在職專班 | TK400025A | 系統性文獻回顧 | 113 |
Year | Project name | Advising professor | Department | Student name |
113 | 台灣大學生對於凍卵認知、態度與意願之探討 | 熊乃歡 | 護理學系 | 陳若幸 |
112 | 探討靜坐對大學生睡眠品質的影響-以中部某大學生為例 | 熊乃歡 | 護理學系 | 陳泱蓁 |
112 | 大學生疼痛健康識能之調查研究 | 熊乃歡 | 護理學系 | 劉棠綾 |
111 | 探討三陰交穴位按壓對 女大生經痛生理不適的 生科司 影響 | 熊乃歡 | 護理學系 | 王筱雯 |
110 | 探究印尼籍臺灣婦女對特殊文化“坐月子”的看法與態度 | 熊乃歡 | 護理學系 | 李宛穎 |
Design | Publish date | Location | Creator |
攜帶式導尿管 | 2018/12/08 | 香港 | Nai-huan Hsiung |